If you are picking up lunches/breakfasts, details are below.
Monroe: Pick up times are 10:30-11:00 AM on students attendance days.
JSHS:Pick up times are 10:45-11:15 AM on students attendance days.
Effective September 1, both breakfast and lunch will be free to all Casey-Westfield enrolled K-12 students for the first semester. The procedure will be different than it was over the summer. Meals will need to be pre-ordered. Grades 7-12 will need to call the JSHS and place an order for the specific day(s) and the meal(s) to be picked up for the week by 9:00 AM on the first day of the week. Grades K-6 will need to call Monroe by 2:30 on Friday to place their order for the specific day(s) and meal(s) for the following week.
Both breakfast and lunch will be available without pre-ordering each day for in-person learners.
The USDA has extended the free meals program. All enrolled K-12 students will receive free meals from the time period of Sept. 1 through December. Extra items are not included. Student accounts will be automatically adjusted from meals already charged this week and will not be charged the rest of the semester. No calls are necessary. Every student is automatically enrolled.
Recently we shared a request for assistance from you. We asked your help when dropping off your student(s), in the mornings at Monroe, that you do not block any driveways while you are waiting your turn to move forward and let your child(ren) out.
We were notified today by the Casey Police Department that they will begin monitoring this situation and potentially giving tickets to those in violation of blocking private drives.
Please help us by making sure that you allow for all driveways along the south side of Monroe street between Rt 49 and the school to remain open and clear. We appreciate your assistance in this matter.
Monroe Parents:
Wooowhooo! We have made it through the first full week of school and things are running very smoothly. As we have adjusted, we have found we need to share some information with you. If you are arriving at Monroe after 8:05, please have your child enter the building at the Main office door (A) as the gym lobby doors are locked at 8:05 am.
Also, please don't drop your children off at Monroe before 7:40 as there is no supervision prior to doors opening at 7:45. If your children walk to school, please practice timing so they arrive between 7:45 - 8:05 am.
Thanks again for all you do!
When dropping off students or picking them up at Monroe, please be aware and considerate of the driveways along the route. We don't want to block people in when they need to get out for work or other reasons. Thanks so much.
Casey-Westfield School District is seeking applicants for substitute custodians, kitchen staff, and classroom aides to work day and evening hours in all schools. Starting salary begins at $13.00 per hour depending on the position. Applications are available at the Unit Office, 502 E Delaware, Casey. Applications may be returned to the Unit office, Monroe Elementary School, or the Jr./Sr. High School.
Reminder: September ASC calendars and payment are due tomorrow, August 28.
Monroe Elementary is continuing to experience issues with our main phone line. Please use 833-888-8101 (toll free) to contact Monroe Elementary. This will be a permanent change, please update Monroe Elementary’s contact information on your phone.
Parents picking up students from the high school after school should park in the Arts Hall parking lot. East Edgar Street in front of the high school and Northeast Fourth Street along side of Arts Hall are reserved for pm bus pickups from 1:30 - 2:15 pm on school attendance days.
Students and parents,
We appreciate your patience as we have prepared for the start of this new school year. Since there are many new processes and procedures this year, there are bound to be updates. As things come up we will do our best to communicate these things to you. Here are the first updates I have for you:
Purple Group - Students will not have any assignments until they come to the building on Tuesday, but they will need to login for attendance starting today, Friday, August 21st (see below).
Late Arrivals & Medical Visits - If you are running late to school and are tardy or arrive late to school due to a medical appointment, you must check in at office first and then Ms. Sweeney will direct you to the correct location for the daily temperature screenings.
Purple & Gold Groups - The days you are not in the school building, your e-learning days, you will need to login to Teacher Ease once per day to check-in for attendance. Upon login to Teacher Ease, a screen should popup for you to complete this check-in.
All-Remote Learners - You need to login to Teacher Ease once per school day to check-in for attendance starting today, August 21st. Upon login to Teacher Ease, a screen should popup for you to complete this check-in. Remote learners will have lessons/assignments that started today. When you login to TeacherEase you do not need to worry about your schedule, you are just assigned to classes the times do not matter. My advice to you is that you set a time for yourself to work on your school work each day and stick to it to ensure you do not fall behind. All assignments will be due at 11:59pm on the due date.
If you have questions, please feel free to email me or call the school.
Remote Students - will login to TeacherEase once per day for their attendance. Upon login a screen will popup for them to "check-in"
Gold and Purple Students - On the days they are not in the building, they will also need to login to Teacher Ease, and "check-in"
The students may login to Teacher Ease between 12:01 AM - 11:59 PM each day for attendance.
The students DO NOT need a question for daily attendance.
We are sooooooooo ready to see your kiddos again. Just a reminder of a few things…
We are still a nut free building. Students may still bring their own lunch but it needs to be nut free.
All buses drop on 4th street between the school and park. This road will be reserved for buses only from 7:50 - 8:10. Cars please exit unloading by going north on 4th or east at intersection
Students who walk to school need to use the gym lobby doors to enter the building. Temperatures and health screening will be conducted before they can enter the building.
Car rider students will be dropped on Monroe along the north side of the building as they have in years past. .Students are to stay in the vehicle until a staff greets them. Temperatures and health will be conducted at each vehicle. When student are ok’d to enter they can exit the car and parents can leave.
Due to the all the new procedures, please allow extra time for dropping car riding students off each day.
Parents are not allowed in the building for any reason. Staff will assist in taking new and young students to the classroom. Older siblings may also walk younger ones to class.
All students will go directly to their classrooms.
We will operate as in years past with buses loaded first. When buses leave, cars may pull up. Please avoid gathering in groups around exits to get your children.
Kindergarten students will still need to be dismissed directly to a parent or authorized adult.
Kindergarten Parents,
Orientation will take place on the north side building that runs along Monroe. Tents will be set up outside in different sections with Mrs. Evans' class being the farthest to the East, Mrs. Robinson's class will be outside the gym lobby area, and Mrs. Sackrider's class will be towards the West closest to the kindergarten parking lot.
REMOTE LEARNERS: Please bring your child's Chromebook so we can get you logged into Seesaw and ready for their first day.
If your child(ren) will be attending After School Care (ASC) in August, we must have a completed registration form, calendar and payment tomorrow, August 21. You can find the ASC handbook, registration form and calendar at the following link: https://www.caseywestfield.org/o/monroe/page/after-school-care-program--2
Parent reminder:
Chromebook distribution for any student at Monroe, in grades K-6 who have selected Remote Learning, will be on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 from 8:00 am - 11:00 am at the Monroe gym lobby doors.
STUDENTS! This message is for you. The new superintendent wants to meet you and hear your concerns as we prepare for the start of this unique new school year. Log on using the link below at 2PM this Wednesday and feel free to chat, ask questions, and voice your concerns.
Topic: An afternoon with Dr. J.
Time: Aug 19, 2020 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 989 9025 7377
Passcode: 7EbbgX
Monroe Elementary is currently experiencing issues with incoming phone calls. Please call 217-360-8009 if you need to contact Monroe.
Kindergarten Parents,
Please sign up for a kindergarten orientation time slot for Friday, August 21st. Please have your child's supplies in hand at orientation. Orientation will be held outside at Monroe Elementary.
Orientation groups meeting at 8:30-9:00 and 9:30-10:00 will attend school on Monday, August 24th. They will NOT attend on Tuesday, August 25th.
Orientation groups meeting at 10:30-11:00 and 12:30-1:00 will attend school on Tuesday, August 25th. They will NOT attend on Monday, August 24th.
Orientation for remote learners will be from 1:00-1:30.
Remote learners will begin school work on Tuesday, August 25th. All in house learners will attend on Wednesday, August 26th.
Kindergarten Orientation Form was emailed to parents of Kindergarten students via Teacherease and can be found on our website at www.caseywestfield.org
Thank you,
Kindergarten teachers
Thank you for being patient with us. We are doing things we have never done before. Establishing schedules has been extremely difficult and time consuming. We are still working through some things but most of the scheduling has been done and is available to you. You may not be able to access everything from the app so please go to the website. Monroe students should be able to find out their teacher and jr/sr high students should be able to access the purple and gold schedules as well. T minus 6 days!