Casey-Westfield Jr./Sr. High School Fall/Winter 2020 Calendar. This calendar delineates the A/B schedule adopted for the 1st Semester and is specific to the Jr./Sr. High School. Please keep in mind this calendar is subject to change at any time. Any revisions will be updated and posted as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate these uncertain times.

2020-2021 Revised District Calendar. Please keep in mind this is subject to change. Any changes will be updated and posted as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Congrats Class of 2020! Attached is the recording of this year's CWHS Graduation Ceremony. Graduating Seniors can pick up a copy of the ceremony at the high school main office.

Monroe's After School Care Program (ASC) will be offered again this coming 2020-2021 school year! Any student in kindergarten through sixth grade may attend. The cost is $5 per child, per day. Program hours are 3:00 pm-5:30 pm, Monday-Friday. This program will operate on full school days only. It will not operate on early dismissal days or when school is cancelled due to weather. As you work through your plans for day care for the upcoming school year, please consider this option as well. Any questions, please ask!
You may reach me at Monroe, 217.932.2178 or linda.campbell@caseywestfield.org.
You may also contact Kacie Rhoads at kacie.rhoads@caseywestfield.org.

Casey Westfield parents:
Your child's report card is now available to view through your parent portal in Teacherease.
Log into Teacherease
Open Parent Portal
Under the Academics tab -choose Report Card
Click on view.
Thank you and we wish all a happy and safe summer!

Friday May 29: Lunch today : Ham & Cheese Sandwich both in town and on buses. Monroe location.

Thursday, May 28, 2020
Lunch today is BBQ Rib on Bun both in town and on the bus. Monroe is serving today.

Casey-Westfield Jr./Sr. High School is officially moving the Junior Prom back to July 11th. As this date approaches, updates will be available on the Casey-Westfield Website and District Facebook Page. This date is tentative and dependent on approval from Local and State agencies. #warriorstrong

Wednesday May 27: Lunch today Corn Dog for in town and buses. Pick up is at Monroe.

Monroe Parents:
If you were unable to make the scheduled days for our final collection and distribution, please feel free to come to Monroe beginning today and return paper packets and Chromebooks as well as collect your child's personal belongings. Please use the main office door. Today, Friday, May 22, 2020 the office is open 8:00 - 1:00. Beginning Tues., May 26, 2020 office hours are 7:30 am - 4:00 pm.

Friday May 15: Lunch today is Hamburger on Bun with pick up at Monroe and bus delivery.
Have a great weekend and know that we have been privileged to be able to serve meals to the children of this great community.
Meals will continue to be served next week by the High School Cafeteria.

REMINDER - Monroe Parents: For Monroe students who are working through paper packets, tomorrow, Tues., May 12, 2020 will be the next collection and distribution . You may return any completed work and collect the next week's work from 12:30 -2:30 at Monroe gym lobby doors.

Monday. May 11, 2020 Today's lunch is Hot Dogs and pick up will be at Monroe Elementary.

REMINDER - Monroe Parents: For Monroe students who are working through paper packets, tomorrow, Tues., May 5, 2020 will be the next distribution and collection. You may return any completed work and collect the next week's work from 12:30 -2:30 at Monroe gym lobby doors.

If you child will be entering Kindergarten in August 2020 and you haven't pre-registered them yet, please pick up the registration packet from the Monroe Office, complete it and return it as soon as possible. If questions, please call 217-932-2178. The office is open from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Mon-Fri.

Hey, Monroe!
Have you ever read in a tree, under the table, or outside on a blanket? This Friday, grab a book and find your own SILLY SPOT! For this challenge you can read anytime and anywhere! If you take a picture to share, be sure to use the hashtag #MonroeReadsTogether

Friday May 1: Lunch is PB&J. If you have a nut allergy please call Monroe School by 10.00 a.m. 932-2178

Tuesday 4.28.2020 Lunch today is BBQ pork rib on bun

Monday 4.27.2020 LUNCH MENU Lunch today is Bosco Stick and Marinara Sauce.

Reminder for Parents:
For Monroe students who are working through paper packets, tomorrow, Tues. April 19, 2020 will be the next distribution and collection. You may return any completed work and collect the next week's work from 12:30 -2:30 at Monroe gym lobby doors. The staff and Monroe want to thank you again for everything you are doing to help your child(ren) get through this different time.