Due to a retirement, Monroe Elementary School has an anticipated opening for a K-6 Special Education Teacher for the 2022-23 school year. Applicants must hold a Illinois Professional Educator License with LBS1. Salary/Benefits as per PN agreement. Qualified applicants please send a letter of application, resume, and copy of license, and IEIN to linda.campbell@caseywestfield.org or apply online at IASA job bank. Application deadline is Mar 31, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Linda Campbell
Report cards for Monroe Elementary and the Jr-Sr High School are now available in the TeacherEase Parent Portal.
over 2 years ago, Gail Grissom
ATTENTION MONROE PARENTS: FANNY MAY CANDY PICKUP RE-SCHEDULED Fannie May Candy pick up will be Thursday December 16th before and after the Christmas Concert in the High School Cafeteria. If you are not planning to attend the concert and won't be able to pick up on Thursday reach out to Tiffany to make arrangements. 217-276-8433 Thank you so much for your patience and ongoing support! Monroe PTO
over 2 years ago, Linda Campbell
Monroe Parents:
over 2 years ago, Linda Campbell
Monroe Parents:
Monroe Parents: FANNY MAY DELIVERY INFORMATION from PTO!!!!! Our Fanny May candy order will be ready for parent pick up on Monday, December 13, 2021 from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm at the Casey VFW. If you have questions or unable to pick up during that timeframe, please contact Tiffany at 217/276-8433 to make other arrangements.
over 2 years ago, Linda Campbell
Veterans Day Parade - Unfortunately due to the current rain pattern, we are going to have to cancel the Veterans Day parade that was organized for the schools. WE WILL CONTINUE TO SERVE THE BREAKFAST AT MONROE BEGINING AT 9:00 AM. ALL VETERANS ARE WELCOME TO DRIVE BY AND GRAB A MEAL AND GO. THE MEALS WILL BE DISTIBUTED AT THE GYM LOBBY DOORS. Thank you one and all for your service to our country.
over 2 years ago, Linda Campbell
**Reminder** Oakland Noodle fundraiser forms and money are due tomorrow, October 20th!! Thanks so much for your help!
over 2 years ago, Kacie Rhoads
November ASC calendars were sent home with students last week. Please return calendars and payment by October 27th. As always, calendars can be found at the link below. The November calendar is available online. https://www.caseywestfield.org/o/monroe/page/after-school-care-program Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Kacie Rhoads
HELP WANTED: Monroe Elementary school currently has openings for two 2-hr kitchen positions. Applications are available on the district website, Monroe Elementary School office, or at the CW Unit office and should be returned to Monroe Elementary School - attn: Linda Campbell. A letter of Interest can also be emailed to linda.campbell@caseywestfield.org.
over 2 years ago, Linda Campbell
Weekly COVID Numbers: Staff - 4 positive and 1 quarantined Monroe - 3 positive and 21 quarantined JH - 0 positive and 3 quarantined HS - 1 positive and 5 quarantined
over 2 years ago, Jon Julius
If you haven't already, please return September's ASC calendars and payment Monday, August 30th. If a calendar did not come home with your child, it can be accessed at the following link: https://www.caseywestfield.org/o/monroe/page/after-school-care-program
over 2 years ago, Kacie Rhoads
Parents, We need to ask for your assistance again this year when dropping off or picking up your students. Please do not block any driveways while you are waiting your turn to move forward and let your child(ren) out. There is also a retirement home located next to Monroe that needs to have their driveway available for a multitude of reasons. We were notified today that the Casey Police Department will begin monitoring this situation and potentially giving tickets to those in violation of blocking private drives. Please help us by making sure that you allow for all driveways along the south side of Monroe street between Rt 49 and the school to remain open and clear. We appreciate your assistance in this matter.
over 2 years ago, Linda Campbell
C-W families, Please remember, there are situations in which your student will need to stay home. These include: · If your student has symptoms of COVID (fever 100.4 or greater, new onset of moderate to severe headache, shortness of breath, new cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, new loss of sense of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown causes, muscle or body aches from unknown causes). · If anyone in the home has symptoms of COVID. · If your student has been tested for COVID and is waiting for results. · If anyone in the home has been tested for COVID and is waiting for results. · If your student is in quarantine. If one of these situations apply to your student, please call the school nurse for further instructions. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Linda Campbell
Casey-Westfield's district open house scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. We apologize for the late notice, however, we are excited to welcome our students back tomorrow. All students should bring all school supplies with them tomorrow morning. Have a great evening.
over 2 years ago, Linda Campbell
Casey Westfield schools will be hosting a back to school Open House on Tuesday, August 17 from 6:00 - 7:30. Monroe students are encouraged to bring their supplies and drop them off in preparation for the first day of school on Wednesday, August 18. At this time, masks are recommended.
over 2 years ago, Linda Campbell
Registration will close on Friday, August 6th @ 11:30pm. If you have not done so, please complete your Childs registration information in TeacherEase.
over 2 years ago, Gail Grissom
Casey-Westfield will be participating in the Free Breakfast and Lunch program for all students. You do NOT need to add lunch money to your students account except for Al carte items.
almost 3 years ago, Gail Grissom
TeacherEase Parent Portal access has been locked/turned off for updating. We will notify you when it is ready for use.
almost 3 years ago, Gail Grissom
Monroe Elementary has the following openings for 2021-2022 school year: Support staff: (1) 2-hr kitchen staff position (1) 4-hr kitchen staff position (1) 2-hr cafeteria/lunch/recess supervisor position Please send a letter of interest and/or resume to linda.campbell@caseywestfield.org
almost 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
Monroe Elementary has the following openings for 2021-2022 school year: Support staff: 2-hr kitchen staff position 2-hr cafeteria/lunch/recess supervisor position Please send a letter of interest and/or resume to linda.campbell@caseywestfield.org no later than Friday, July 2, 2021.
almost 3 years ago, Linda Campbell