Please return November ASC calendars and payment tomorrow. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Kacie Rhoads
November ASC calendars will be sent home with students today. Calendars can also be accessed at the following link: November calendars and payment are due on or before October 28th. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Kacie Rhoads
Parents: As we come to the end of the first quarter, we are looking at another return date for those students in remote learning. Students that are currently on full time remote learning are able to return to in person learning on Monday, October 19, 2020. If you are planning on your student returning to in person learning on Oct. 19, please contact your child's building office and let them know before Friday, Oct. 16 at 3:00 pm. Thanks so much.
over 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
Monroe Parents: It's the time of year that we need to start thinking about warmer clothes and jackets. The weather is starting to cool off and is especially so first thing in the morning. Please pay close attention to the weather and make sure you send your child in appropriate clothing. We will continue to take as many breaks outside as possible to help give masks breaks. PE will also continue to be held outside as long as weather permits. Jackets are required when temp is below 60 degrees. Thank you so much for helping us out!
over 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
October ASC calendars went home with students yesterday. Calendars can also be accessed at the following link: October calendars and payment are due on or before September 26th. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Kacie Rhoads
Monroe Parent reminder: Picture day is tomorrow for in house students. Remote learn students will be able to get school pictures taken in Nov. More info to come on that.
over 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
Monroe Parents REMINDER: It's school picture time again! Monroe picture day is Wednesday, September 23, 2020. Forms went home last week. You can order online this year in addition to the traditional form of payment.
over 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
Dear Casey-Westfield parents: 2020 CENSUS COMPLETION DEADLINE IS APPROACHING!!!! Parents: The final day to complete the 2020 Census is September 30, 2020 2020 Census forms should have arrived in your mailbox in mid-March. Completing the Census is important for our school and community!! Here's why: The census count affects money that states get from the government. Without a fair and accurate census count, many programs that benefit our students and community may be affected. These programs include free lunch programs, community development block grants, education grants, the Children's Health Insurance Program, Medicaid, and Medicare. This year forms can be filled out over the phone, online, and by mail! Please help your school and community by completing the Census if you haven't done so already! If you completed and submitted your 2020 Census, thank you so much!
over 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
Monroe Parents: Homework Help starts tonight (Tues. Sept 8) for our Monroe Students in 4th, 5th and 6th grades. Students attending Homework Help will be dismissed through the cafeteria doors (door N) on Monroe Street. These are the doors that students come out for regular dismissal. Students will be dismissed at 3:00 p.m. each day, Monday through Thursday. There will be no Homework Help on Fridays. Please make sure your students know what to do for dismissal at 3:00 pm. Students who walk, will be sent on their way. Students who are being picked up, parents may park in the regular drop off/pick up location. Please be at the school promptly at 3:00 pm each day for pick up. **PLEASE NOTE: the 3:00 pm dismissal of Homework Help is different than in years past
over 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
Parents, Recently we shared a request for assistance from you. We asked your help when dropping off your student(s), in the mornings at Monroe, that you do not block any driveways while you are waiting your turn to move forward and let your child(ren) out. We were notified today by the Casey Police Department that they will begin monitoring this situation and potentially giving tickets to those in violation of blocking private drives. Please help us by making sure that you allow for all driveways along the south side of Monroe street between Rt 49 and the school to remain open and clear. We appreciate your assistance in this matter.
over 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
Monroe Elementary Parents: Due to a delivery issue we will have a lunch change this week. Monday, August 31 Chicken Patty on Bun Smiles Baked Beans Pears Milk Thursday, September 3 BBQ Pork Rib on Bun Tater Tots Broccoli Spiced Apples Milk Please Share
over 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
Monroe Parents: Wooowhooo! We have made it through the first full week of school and things are running very smoothly. As we have adjusted, we have found we need to share some information with you. If you are arriving at Monroe after 8:05, please have your child enter the building at the Main office door (A) as the gym lobby doors are locked at 8:05 am. Also, please don't drop your children off at Monroe before 7:40 as there is no supervision prior to doors opening at 7:45. If your children walk to school, please practice timing so they arrive between 7:45 - 8:05 am. Thanks again for all you do!
over 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
Parents: When dropping off students or picking them up at Monroe, please be aware and considerate of the driveways along the route. We don't want to block people in when they need to get out for work or other reasons. Thanks so much.
over 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
Casey-Westfield School District is seeking applicants for substitute custodians, kitchen staff, and classroom aides to work day and evening hours in all schools. Starting salary begins at $13.00 per hour depending on the position. Applications are available at the Unit Office, 502 E Delaware, Casey. Applications may be returned to the Unit office, Monroe Elementary School, or the Jr./Sr. High School.
over 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
September ASC calendars were sent home today. If your child(ren) attended in August, they will have one in their folder/backpack. If your child(ren) did not attend in August, but would like to in September, please print off a registration form and calendar from the website: Please note the following change: Fill out a separate calendar for each child in your family. This is very helpful in scheduling and organizing. September calendars and payment are due on or before August 28.
over 3 years ago, Kacie Rhoads
Monroe Elementary is continuing to experience issues with our main phone line. Please use 833-888-8101 (toll free) to contact Monroe Elementary. This will be a permanent change, please update Monroe Elementary’s contact information on your phone.
over 3 years ago, Gail Grissom
Parents: FIRST DAY OF SCHOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are sooooooooo ready to see your kiddos again. Just a reminder of a few things… We are still a nut free building. Students may still bring their own lunch but it needs to be nut free. Arrival: All buses drop on 4th street between the school and park. This road will be reserved for buses only from 7:50 - 8:10. Cars please exit unloading by going north on 4th or east at intersection Students who walk to school need to use the gym lobby doors to enter the building. Temperatures and health screening will be conducted before they can enter the building. Car rider students will be dropped on Monroe along the north side of the building as they have in years past. .Students are to stay in the vehicle until a staff greets them. Temperatures and health will be conducted at each vehicle. When student are ok’d to enter they can exit the car and parents can leave. Due to the all the new procedures, please allow extra time for dropping car riding students off each day. Parents are not allowed in the building for any reason. Staff will assist in taking new and young students to the classroom. Older siblings may also walk younger ones to class. All students will go directly to their classrooms. Dismissal: We will operate as in years past with buses loaded first. When buses leave, cars may pull up. Please avoid gathering in groups around exits to get your children. Kindergarten students will still need to be dismissed directly to a parent or authorized adult.
over 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
Kindergarten Parents, Orientation will take place on the north side building that runs along Monroe. Tents will be set up outside in different sections with Mrs. Evans' class being the farthest to the East, Mrs. Robinson's class will be outside the gym lobby area, and Mrs. Sackrider's class will be towards the West closest to the kindergarten parking lot. REMOTE LEARNERS: Please bring your child's Chromebook so we can get you logged into Seesaw and ready for their first day.
over 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
Parent reminder: Chromebook distribution for any student at Monroe, in grades K-6 who have selected Remote Learning, will be on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 from 8:00 am - 11:00 am at the Monroe gym lobby doors.
over 3 years ago, Linda Campbell
Monroe Elementary is currently experiencing issues with incoming phone calls. Please call 217-360-8009 if you need to contact Monroe.
over 3 years ago, Gail Grissom